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Prepare for Next Summer with CoolScultping and Laser Hair Removal

Summer bodies are made in the winter, as what they say. The BUDDIGA MedSpa welcomes you to make an appointment right away. Just in time for the lovely weather, CoolSculpting and hair removal using laser are two fantastic ways that will help you trim that waistline and be free from unwanted hair.

Reduce That Extra Holiday Fat

While it’s true that the Christmas season is full of wonderful times, it’s also true that the extra indulgences can start to mount up. And despite the fact that names like love handles and muffin tops are charming sounding, but they are just fats. Because of this, right now is the ideal moment to get rid of the winter hump that has developed and to tone it up just in time for spring break. CoolScultping is a powerful and non-invasive method that can tone up certain areas of your body while also reducing fat in those areas.

How Does CoolScultping Works?

Through a process called coolsculpting, undesirable fats are eliminated when the fats cells located beneath the skin are frozen during the process. It only affects the fat, but not the healthy tissues, because fat cells freeze at temperatures that are higher than those of the other cells in the tissue. After they have been frozen, the cells will be expelled from the body by normal processes. The ultimate effect is a noticeable lessening of fat in the region that was treated. If you’ve been fantasizing about having a flatter tummy, more toned arms, or slimmer thighs, now is your chance to make your dreams come true.

Using CoolSculpting can reduce extra fat in a variety of problematic areas, including:

· Love Handles

· Thighs

· Waist

· Upper Arms

· Abdomen

· Back

· Upper Neck and Chin

Because the fat cells are removed from the body and broken down during the CoolSculpting procedure, the results of the procedure are permanent. On the other hand, this does not rule out the possibility that patients would put on weight in the future. When it comes to long-term results, it is always encouraged that patients either keep up with their current workout regimen or begin one. It is essential to keep in mind that CoolSculpting is not a method for reducing weight. It is aimed to remove fat in certain localized parts of the body. The CoolSculpting procedure may be helpful in reducing the amount of fat you carry, but it is not a miracle cure for overweight.

Remove Any Unwanted Hair

After we’ve covered the issue of having too much fat, it’s time to talk about having an excessive amount of hair. As we get closer to spring, people start getting busy making plans for spring breaks, summer vacations, and other events that take place outside. The result of all of this is days that are perfect for wearing bathing suits and shorts. It would be great if you could get through the spring and summer without having to deal with the inconvenience of maintaining your unwanted hairs on a daily basis.

By permanently removing undesirable hair, hair removal using laser procedure can assist you in breaking the waxing, shaving and plucking.

How Does Hair Removal Using Laser Works

Hair removal using laser targets the pigment, melanin, in your hair follicle with a focused light beam, killing the growth while sparing the surrounding skin. Due to the laser’s attraction to melanin, patients with thick, black hair and light skin benefit the most from its use. Light-haired patients might not notice the same results with hair removal using laser procedure.

Results from hair removal using laser procedure are visible to patients right away. There may appear to be like some stubble, but this is simply the last few remaining follicle being pushed outside of your skin. Because undesirable hair on the skin grows in three stages and hair removal using laser procedure only inhibits the actively growing hairs, patients will need several sessions to entirely eradicate the unwarted hair.

These are the advantages of laser hair removal:

  1. Fast – Just few appointments are necessary before you are completely free from unwanted hairs, and the treatment procedures itself are brief, large areas can be treated in just around twenty minutes.
  2. Comfortable – Almost no discomfort is felt during laser hair removal. Later, it could feel like sunburn but aloe vera gel can help to soothe it. Compared to waxing, plucking, or shaving, hair removal using laser procedure is generally more practical and comfortable.
  3. Permanent – Unlike plucking, shaving or waxing, which must be done periodically, laser hair removal offers patients a 90% permanent hair reduction.

Before you know it, summer will come. What’s holding you? It’s time to be confident in your looks.